Monday, August 16, 2010

On July 30, 2010 the FDA issued a warning against the use of MMS as a supplement. Health Canada issued a similar warning a few months ago.

I have to say this came as no surprise to us here at Keavy's Corner.
Many sites that provided MMS to consumers were making medical claims, and offering instructions that resulted in levels of chemicals that exceeded safe levels as set forth by the FDA, and EPA.

Anyone who sells products that are marketed as supplements, pesticides, or disinfectants must have EPA, and/or FDA approval to make "kill claims", and claims of cures. This is the first rule of marketing these types of products.

Whether you agree or disagree with this particular rule, it is the rule that we in the business must live by, and those that don't, generally pay a hefty price, and occasionally their freedom.
Freedom of Speech does not apply when you sell a product as a medicine. The FDA can't stop the sale of MMS and other sodium chlorite solutions for applications that have approval, but any site that makes, or has made medical claims, sent out packaging labeled with
instructions for use as a supplement, or provided instructions that exceed FDA/EPA safe levels are liable to be targeted.

Project Green Life (whose labels were shown in the report) has issued a recall of all their sodium chlorite products. This comes after they had "discussions" with the FDA. These discussions apparently came in the form of a convoy of FDA Agents showing up at their fulfillment house, hellbent on finding evidence of wrongdoing.

I suspect that any legal problems that PGL may encounter was probably due to affiliates making medical claims, and then linking into
PGL on an affiliate account. This could leave them liable, as the affiliate was actually a paid salesperson, making them a representive of the company. However I am not a lawyer and this is strictly my opinion and take on things.

Adam Abraham has so very eloquently said so many of the things I wanted to say on a few topics concerning the FDA. That's a whole 'nother article though.

We at Keavy's Corner have never made any medical claims about chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite, or MMS strength solution. We sell our products for a myriad of applications, and provide no protocols for internal use. We supply instruction for a surface product, emergency water purification, and various household uses. We sell our products to end users as consumer commodities, and have warnings on our labels, and include hazmat literature when applicable.

We will continue to supply our all of our customers (municipal, industrial, agricultural, and personal) with the means to generate chlorine dioxide, as well as our other products.

We believe that every human being has the right to be the master of their own body, mind and spirit. We believe that people have the right to good health, and to pursue this in whatever manner they see fit.

Thank You,
Steve Pardee

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Making your own MMS

Manufacturing Instructions for making your own MMS

To make 1 liter you will need:


2 liters Distilled Water

Sodium Chlorite Powder or Flakes

A glass or HDPE bowl (at least 2 qts or 2 liters)

A couple smaller glass or plastic bowls for weighing the sodium chlorite powder and water.

Plastic or glass spoons (Stainless Steel is not recommended)


MMS is actually a 22.4% Sodium Chlorite Solution

The 28% Humble Formula is in fact a 22.4% Sodium Chlorite Solution. This is due to the fact that 28% of the total solution is Sodium Chlorite Powder by weight. The original Formula was created using 80% sodium chlorite powder.

When 80% Sodium Chlorite powder is used to make the MMS, the resulting amount of actual sodium chlorite in the solution is 22.4%. The water weight is 72%, and the remaining 5.6% is mostly common salt, (used as a stabilizer), along with Sodium Chlorate, Sodium Hydroxide, and traces of other chemicals and elements used in the manufacturing process.

Therefore when one makes MMS, the actual goal is 22.4% Sodium Chlorite by weight in solution.


Variance between batches often occurs in the case of home made MMS as well as many sites and dealers selling it. There are two primary reasons for this:

In many cases the manufacturer of the MMS does not have a certificate of analysis on their raw sodium chlorite powder or flake. The fact is in most cases 80% Sodium Chlorite is usually higher than 80%, by as much as a few percent. Each percentage point is 10,000 parts per million which is pretty substantial when you are making a product that has been known to kill patogens in water at 1 ppm.

90% Sodium Chorite Powder

There is an influx of 90% Sodium Chlorite Powder on the market as of late. 90% Sodium Chlorite powder has less salt added, it still retains the other inert chemicals. Since we are starting with a higher percentage of sodium chlorite, the 28% Formula will not work. The final solution would be 25.2% sodium chlorite rather than the desired 22.4%.
This means if one is using 90% Sodium Chlorite Powder a different formula must be used.

So rather than the 28% rule, we have to use 24.9% of the 90% sodium chlorite powder by weight.
A chart with general weights and measures based on exactly 80% or 90% is provided below.

Preparation and Mixing

Make sure your work area is clean, and clear. You should have your scales, bowls ,and utensils cleaned and rinsed with distilled water. Leave the Sodium Chlorite powder sealed until you weigh it, and seal it back up as soon as you are done. Weigh your water according to the chart below for the amount you want. The water may be warmed to 110 degrees for easier solubility, but room temperature is fine.

After weighing the water add it to your bowl or mixing vessel.

Weigh out your Sodium Chlorite Powder. After you have the right weight, close the lid on the Sodium Chlorite Powder that is left to avoid contamination, and light exposure. Slowly add the sodium chlorite powder to the water, stir until completely dissolved. The mixture may appear cloudy at first, this is normal, and it should clear up, by the time it is all dissolved. Your final solution should be clear.

Cover the MMS solution and place in a dark place, allow it to sit for at least 6 hours.

You will see some sediment at the bottom in most cases, this is normal. There may also be an oily film on the top, depending on the inert ingredients in the Sodium chlorite powder.

We want to skim the film off as best we can, and then draw, or pour off the MMS without getting sediment. At this point, it is ready to filter.

Filtering is an optional step, if the instructions above are followed, the MMS is ready for use. For the manufacturer, filtering provides a stable solution that will not precipitate sediment with shelf time.

While any sediment that forms can be re-dissolved without issue, it can generate calls from concerned customers, wasting time and resources. A 1 micron screen system with made non organic materials is perfect, and will stop most sediment issues. DO NOT USE WHITE COFFE FILTERS. Many contain acid, and can actually degrade the MMS over time.


Sodium Chlorite Powder should be stored in a cool place, without temperature extremes. Kept properly, it has a shelf life of 20 years or more. MMS has other concerns.

The standard packaging for MMS is 4oz PET bottles, usually blue or green. This packaging is ok, but for long term bulk storage, I would recommend HDPE or Amber Glass Bottles.

MMS should be kept in a dark cupboard or storage site, until it is ready for use. Exposure to sunlight should be avoided, as well as temperature extremes. The shelf life if properly stored should is at least 5 years.



There will be some loss due to removing any sediment.




MMS (by weight)

(by volume)

42.7 grams

109.8 grams

152.5 grams

125 ml

85.4 grams

219.6 grams

305 grams

250 ml

170.8 grams

439.2 grams

610 grams

500 ml

341.6 grams

878.4 grams

1220 grams

1 liter




MMS (by weight)

(by volume)

1.51 ounces

3.87 ounces

5.38 ounces

4.23 fl oz

3.02 ounces

7.74 ounces

10.76 ounces

8. 45 fl oz

6.04 ounces

15.48 ounces

21.52 ounces

16.90 fl oz

12.08 ounces

30.96 ounces

43.04 ounces

33.8 fl oz



There will be some loss due to removing any sediment.




MMS (by weight)

(by volume)

38 grams

114.5 grams

152.5 grams

125 ml

76 grams

229 grams

305 grams

250 ml

151.9 grams

458.1 grams

610 grams

500 ml

302.8 grams

916.2 grams

1220 grams

1 liter




MMS (by weight)

(by volume)

1.34 ounces

4.04 ounces

5.38 ounces

4.23 fl oz

2.68 ounces

8.08 ounces

10.76 ounces

8. 45 fl oz

5.36 ounces

16.16 ounces

21.52 ounces

16.90 fl oz

10.72 ounces

32.32 ounces

43.04 ounces

33.8 fl oz